Solo Exhibition ” I have an incurable compulsion to ”
クリアギャラリートーキョーにて Solo Exhibition" I have an incurable compulsion to " を開催。
OPENING RECEPTION: July 19 Friday, 7pm - 9:30pm
EXHIBITION: July 19 - August 10, 2019
LOCATION: CLEAR GALLERY TOKYO 7-18-8/2F , Roppongi, Minato-ku,Tokyo
Working as a textile artist for over 20 years, Mizuta has developed his artistic practice through various techniques including pencil drawings, photography, and collage. His enduring fascination with textiles lies in the expressions they create and the roles they serve when employed in physical acts such as being worn or tied or used to wrap things up.
In Talisman, Mizuta embroidered English essays he wrote while studying at a language school atop photos taken around the same time. As a record of a particular place and time, the needle like a clock's hand, the embroidered essays include the artist's vocabulary and grammar errors, uncorrected.
In the main part of the exhibition, Mizuta depicts his fetishistic impulses using dyed cloth in the manner of a painter applying paint to canvas, layer by layer, resulting in an obsessive, quasi-religious paean from the artist to his beloved textiles.
Most artists use fabric, in the form of canvas, simply as the backdrop on which they produce their artworks. As you will see in this exhibition, however, Yuji Mizuta employs the fabric itself as an integral part of his art, in so doing creating new expressions in 2D.
"Talisman" is displayed at INTERSECT BY LEXUS
青山、INTERSECT BY LEXUSのウィンドウにアートワークをインテリアスタイリスト 作原文子氏のスタイリングで展示しています。
展示期間:2019年 1月17日〜2月中頃まで。
Styling by Fumiko Sakuhara

"Talisman" appeared in FIGARO JAPON magazine, March issue

Mini exhibition "Talisman"at CLEAR GALLERY TOKYO
クリアギャラリートーキョーにて mini exhibition"Talisman " を開催。
I spent around six months living in England.
Now I offer up these pieces as talismans shaped by the experiences, surprises, discoveries, and self-discoveries I made, as well as the cultures, religions, and differences I encountered, during that April to September in England.

Concept art for Pointline Yutenji 01.10.2018

Concept art for LUMINE Singapore 13.11.2017
ルミネ シンガポールのルミネカフェにてアートワークスを常設。